All NWE Residential Rate Tariffs can be accessed on the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin website.
Residential Service (Rg-1)
The Residential Service Rate is designed as NWE’s “basic” residential rate for customers who live in town. It is available to all urban residential single-phase customers for ordinary household purposes.
Residential Customers are billed an energy charge based on their kilowatt hour usage (kWh) in a billing period plus a monthly customer charge.
Residential Customers are billed an energy charge based on their kilowatt hour usage (kWh) in a billing period plus a monthly customer charge.
Residential time-0f-day service (rg-2)
The Urban Residential Time-of-Day Service Rate is designed such that the rate paid per kWh is lower or higher, depending on when the energy is used. Customers choosing to be served on this rate schedule must remain on it for a minimum of a 12 month period.
Time of Day urban residential customers are billed for their on peak usage (Electricity used during the day) and for their off peak usage (Electricity used during the late night and early morning hours as well as on the weekend). Because of the lower cost associated with the off-peak hours, this rate can offer savings to customers who can be flexible with their energy use.
Time of Day urban residential customers are billed for their on peak usage (Electricity used during the day) and for their off peak usage (Electricity used during the late night and early morning hours as well as on the weekend). Because of the lower cost associated with the off-peak hours, this rate can offer savings to customers who can be flexible with their energy use.
rural residential service (fg-1)
The Rural Residential Service Rate is designed as NWE’s “basic” residential rate for customers who live out of town. This rate will be applied to all rural residential and farm customers for lighting, ordinary household purposes and power as needed for farm uses. A customer’s load may not exceed 10 horsepower individual-rated capacity without utility permission.
Rural Residential Customers are billed a monthly energy charge based on their kilowatt hour usage (kWh) plus a monthly customer charge.
Rural Residential Customers are billed a monthly energy charge based on their kilowatt hour usage (kWh) plus a monthly customer charge.
rural residential time-of-day service (fg-2)
The Rural Residential Time-of- Day service rate is available for all customers who qualify for the FG-1 rate (above). Customers choosing to be served on this rate schedule must remain on it for a minimum of a 12-month period.
Time-of-Day rural residential customers are billed for their on- peak usage (Electricity used during the day) and for their off-peak usage (Electricity used during the late night and early morning hours as well as on the weekend). Because of the lower cost associated with the off-peak
hours, this rate can offer significant savings to customers who can be flexible with their energy use.
Time-of-Day rural residential customers are billed for their on- peak usage (Electricity used during the day) and for their off-peak usage (Electricity used during the late night and early morning hours as well as on the weekend). Because of the lower cost associated with the off-peak
hours, this rate can offer significant savings to customers who can be flexible with their energy use.
Optional Off-Peak Service (OP-1)
e Optional Off-Peak Service rate is designed for customers who wish to have equipment such as water heating, off-peak electric space heating and other equipment operated from a separate electric meter. Energy used on the separate meter is billed for Non-Authorized use during the weekday from 9 A.M – 9 P.M. and for Authorized use during the evening’s hours after 9 P.M. during the week and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Conditions For Optional Off-Peak Service.
Conditions For Optional Off-Peak Service.
- This service requires a separate electric meter at the home/business.
- Customer is responsible for all rewiring and other related costs for the purpose of meter installation.
- Customer is responsible for any timers or control equipment to insure electric load on this meter is de-energized from 9 A.M. – 9 P.M. Monday – Friday.
- Customer will be billed a premium cost per Kwh for any Non-Authorized use recorded from 9 A.M. – 9 P.M. Monday – Friday.
- Customer will be billed the Off-Peak rate per Kwh for all Authorized use recorded.
- If Non-Authorized energy use occurs during three or more billing months, NWE reserves the right to remove customers from this rate.
- Customers will not be allowed to receive the Optional Off-Peak rate and the Time-Of-Use electric rate at the same time.
controlled water heating (rw-1)
The Controlled Water Heating rate is designed for customers who wish to have their electric water heater operated from a separate electric meter. Energy used on the separate meter is billed at a reduced rate per kWh. NWE will interrupt the water heater controlled from the separate meter for two separate four-hour periods each day, unless space heating is controlled also.
Conditions For Controlled Water Heating Service
- Electric water heaters controlled shall be no less then 30-gallon capacity.
- Customer is responsible for all rewiring and other related costs for the purpose of meter installation.
- NWE will furnish a timing device to control a standard size water heater not exceeding 4500 watts per element (top and bottom) at no charge to the customer. Customers having water heaters larger than 4500 watts per element or more than one water heater, will be required to pay the extra cost of such device so as to be able use one single circuit of not more than 30 amp
- Customers will not be allowed to receive the Controlled Water Heating rate and the Time-Of-Use electric rate at the same time.
controlled space heating (rw-2)
The Controlled Space Heating rate is designed for customers who wish to have their electric space heater(s) operated from a separate electric meter. Energy used on the separate meter is billed at a reduced rate per kWh. NWE will interrupt the electric heating controlled from the separate meter for twelve hours each weekday.
Conditions For Controlled Space Heating Service
- Electric heaters controlled shall be no more than 40 kW total capacity.
- Customer is responsible for all rewiring and other related costs for the purpose of meter installation per NWE specifications.
- This is a dual fuel rate. There must be another non-electric source of fuel available for heating during periods of interruption. NWE shall not be liable for any loss or damages caused by or resulting from any interruption of service.
- Customers will not be allowed to receive the Controlled Heating rate and the Time-Of-Use electric rate at the same time.
Parallel Generation (20 Kw or less) - Net Energy Billing (pgs-1) For
This rate is for customers who wish to generate electricity at their home or business in parallel with NWE’s service. All installations will be subject to WI PSC 119 requirements.
All application requirements for the Pgs-1 rate should be completed and returned to NWE.
All application requirements for the Pgs-1 rate should be completed and returned to NWE.